Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Married at 18

Hello, my name is Teann Young and I was born on the 25th of September 2015. That makes me to be the age of 18, and in just 71 days I turn 19. However, just 20 days before my 19th birthday I will be tying the knot and marrying my best friend of 3 years Ethan Harrold. I'm starting this blog because I have a lot people ask me a lot questions such as "don't you want to live a life first?", "Why so young?" And "are you sure about this?" In a way I guess I just want to show people that just cause they're young it doesn't mean they have to follow in the footsteps of society and not give love a chance because hey, you'd be throwing your life away. To be honest though I just think people are scared, scared of not having control of their mind, their body and their hearts. So with just over 50 days to go until I tie the knot I thought I'd document the days leading up to the wedding and after the wedding to show people just because you are married at 18 it definitely does not mean your life is over. In the photo above is my amazing Fiancé Ethan. I cannot wait until I get to call him my husband for the rest of our lives.

All for now, 
Future Mrs Harrold.